descendants 4 fanfiction

august 22, '24

guess who got a physically intensive job as an overhire theater electriciannnnnnn

last night i watched the new descendants movie and literally what was that. did they forget to finish the movie. i am so pissed off right now and bad movies don't normally piss me off, they had a really good premise set up for the first 2/3rds of the movie and they fumbled it so hard. it feels like the writer of the movie worked really hard to implement themes and foreshadowing, and then perished tragically along with all of their story notes after finishing the scene where they ask Bridget about the cookbook, so some rando had to come in and tack on a conclusion real quick to get the movie out.

if I were writing Descendants 4: The Rise of Red (spoiler warning i guess? you should not care about this movie) i would make it so the time travel elements have a fixed timeline and everything Chloe and Red try to change in the past had already happened in their present, so altering the future is impossible. because of this, chloe and red's meddling actually cause crucial events to come to pass. for example, they set up adult cinderella being a perfect angelic queen, but teen ella is an antiroyal cynic and chloe (her daughter) struggles to understand the personality shift. they also set up that the teen fairy godmother struggles with magic and self esteem. i would have written that chloe, seeing that the ball is approaching and worried about her mom attending and falling in love with her dad (because it's ESTABLISHED that the reason ella is prevented from going to the ball by her stepmother is because chloe broke the vase), gives the fairy godmother the encouragement she needs to help ella attend the ball, therefore having chloe being a contributing factor in ella's change of perspective.

i also would have written that the prank that ruins Bridget's life and turns her into the queen of hearts wasn't even done by ursula 2 or whatever her name was. the present timeline ESTABLISHES that the queen of hearts identifies as a villain and is dissapointed when uma "goes soft". therefore, i don't think narratively that the prank should be done by the villains, but by the heroes, which i think would do much more to invoke her vendetta towards the good guys. idk how they should have done it, but ursula jr should have been a red herring. the climax of the movie should have unfolded at the ball (don't get me STARTED on the stupid book heist scene that ended up being the climax of the movie??? awful) when chloe and red think they've stopped mini ursula but things just don't seem right, then they watch the prank unfold (or maybe even indavertently play a part in it??? idk who i want the prank to be played by that would involve way more intensive rewrites). ella, who made it to the ball, is too caught up in her dance with prince charming to notice or help, essentially abandoning bridget for her prince, ending their friendship and beginning ella's shift in personality. why not let chloe witness her mom do something selfish and question her upbringing even more? adult bridget even SAYS "you didn't care, you were off with your prince" at the beginning of the movie!! it was right there!!! I also would have made bridget the queen of hearts by marriage instead of by birth, so she and ella would have a commonality of being commoners that makes them outcasts. bridget sees ella lifted up while she is left behind and is fueled by her vengeance arc to climb her way to the top.

so, chloe and red fail to prevent the prank so they have no other choice but to return to the present right when the coup happens and try to talk bridget down. there, they both have heart-to-hearts with their respective parents about what they've learned about them from knowing them as teens - red appeals to her mom's former personality with maybe a sad reprise of bridget's cute song, and chloe points out her mom's hypocricy, prompting a real and heartfelt apology from ella and all of the other parents/former classmates present. this, along with a final declaration of acceptance and love from her daughter, causes bridget's heart to thaw. bridget's character arc should have concluded naturally, instead of never having happened at all, it pisses me off so much. i cannot comprehend why the movie was resolved so quickly when so many chekov guns were pointing directly at it. disney hire me

but... i did like the songs actually. also shoutout brandy

in limbo

august 15, '24

job is over and now i'm directionless and unemployed while i wait for my next gig to start. why oh why did i choose the worlds most unstable career path and also live in the country's most expensive region :/

i've been reading a lot lately and i'm hoping to write up some new site pages to document the books i read! lately i've been obsessed with this children's book series called keeper of the lost cities, it is not actually that good but i am addicted to them. i'm currently on book 8, i'm planning on creating a shrine to kind of document my journey with this series and my thoughts about it because i have a LOT of those that i cannot possibly cover here

i also just finished reading the orphan's tales duology by catherynne m valente and HOLY SHIT YALL. i am begging everyone far and wide to please read this series. its SO GOOD!! it's a fantasy series inspired by the tales of 1001 nights. it starts out as an anothology of nesting stories that all end up connecting in the most mindblowing way, i've never read anything like it before. the prose is also gorgeous. i've had a reading log page planned in the back of my mind for months just so i could document my thoughts about this series, maybe i'll actually get around to it now. someone please force me to work on this website i've gotten so lazy ;-;

ramblings of a madwoman i mean madthey

august 2, '24

sometimes i wonder if im faking being a lesbian but then i think about how im only ever interested in watching the womens olympic events and i stop

also i am officially one degree of separation from lin manuel miranda

work owns my life

july 26, '24

im gonna be so honest i actually forgot that my diary exists

i got this really rad job as a production assistant at a super high profile theater for their new play workshop and this job actually owns my mortal soul now. i work a split shift so I have like ~2 hours in the morning, then a long ass lunch break (like 5 hours) then i'm back to work dinner for another 4 hours. six days a week. so since i work bizarre hours and its a pain to go home during my break plus we are encouraged to observe the artists during our breaks, i have virtually no free time and i'm at the office for like 11 hours a day. but its ok because i've been having fun, plus its a really cool environment and lowkey a giant step for my career. so we vibin.

also for my job one of my daily tasks is driving the artists between their apartment building and the theater space, which i have been very brave about because i am TERRIFIED of driving. also before 2 weeks ago i had never driven in a city (rural hometown gang). but i am so brave and strong, i've only almost hit pedestrians twice (THATS A JOKE EVERYBODY'S OK AND ALSO THE SECOND TIME IT WASNT MY FAULT). on wednesday night i had to shuttle the artists to a vineyard 6 miles away up this winding road and had to haul our clunky van up a narrow dirt road at a 45 degree angle and ever since then she (the van) and i share a warriors bond so things are going pretty well

now time for me to dissapear again because i have literally no other updates other than working 24/7


june 22, '24


i heart lesbian concert

june 12, '24

hello gay people yesterday i went to a CONCERT!! MEET ME @ THE ALTAR PLAYING and also cavetown and mother mother i guess. i treated myself to tix since i was out of the country the last time mm@ta played in the area and i was very excited

fit check! fun fact i got both the top and skirt for freeeeee. also fun fact the studded hair band is actually just a bracelet i put around my ponytail lol. very cute i love outfit (i need to update my fashion page so bad guys)

concert time! gonna be so real with you guys when i say i went to this primarily to see the openers and the headliners were just an afterthought. MEET ME @ THE ALTAR NUMBER 1 FAN NOW AND 4EVER BABEY. i went down into the pit for them and everything (so brave of me). I HEART LESBIANS I HEART WOMEN

i really wanted a meet me @ the altar tshirt but unfortunately i just did not like either of their shirt designs (i'm sorry mm@ta i love you i promise) so i ended up buying a cavetown shirt instead because i had already waited in line for a half hour and felt social pressure to buy a shirt since i couldn't really view the merch well until i was standing in front of the cashier. i heart making good financial decisions. the shirt i got is cute tho

mm@ta was the opener for mother mother and cavetown, who i used to be very into but don't really listen to anymore, so this was a fun vibey experience for me to chill out, enjoy some old favs and see what they've been up to. i moved up to the nosebleeds for their sets because it was so packed down below and also the sun was baking me alive, so i went up in search of shade. despite the distance it was really nice up there, not as loud and lots of personal space. below are some vids from both sets, please excuse the garbage quality from my attempted zooms

i rarely go to concerts so this was very fun and adventurous for me. i had a very enjoyable time people watching and observing all of the outfits, you could really tell that this was a gay people event. the amount of people wearing variations of the same outfit (knee-length jorts and crop tops) was amazing. you could also clock who was there primarily for mother mother (emo) or cavetown (goblincore). lmao

that's all happy birthday month to all gay people