update log...

February 7, 2024: the music and updates windows on the homepage are now DRAGGABLE!!!! yippeee!!

January 3, 2024: added an IN-SITE GUESTBOOK!! very exciting!!! also restyled the diary page a lil

January 2, 2024: MAJOR INDEX UPDATE!!! redid the layout a bit to make it more fun and show off my new javascript powers (i am still really bad at it), we got a new site directory (press START) and some fun windows that you can click in and out of. also added an archive page so the old layout can live on.

December 17, 2023: blog got a major upgrade!!

September 17, 2023: update to the way the diary is organized

September 11, 2023: new song of the week

August 8, 2023: added a "latest art" section to the homepage. let's see if it stays, idk how i like the placing right now.

August 7, 2023: gave the poetry page a makeover.

August 5, 2023: major overhaul to the home page!! if you have a 1440x900 resolution like i do you probably won't notice anything different, but now the layout should look correct to visitors with a 1920x1080 resolution! yay!!!!

July 24, 2023: new gifypet yayaya

July 2, 2023: groundhog day shrine is up!!! you can find it in the shrine tab at the top of this page.

June 17, 2023: NEW BLOG ENTRY GRAAAJHJFH!! It's about a sims 4 build i made and im rly happy with it so check it out!!!! also a new dairy entry (less exciting)

June 15, 2023: joined some new webrings, yay!

June 11, 2023: added a super cool new dropdown menu for my shrines on the homepage.

June 10, 2023: been reorganizing my main ms paint window page and adding more goodies! sorry for lots of updates as i figure out how i want it.

June 2, 2023: romeo shrine got a major facelift!!

May 30, 2023: made a BLOG!! now time to make entries lol

May 29, 2023: made a site map! my room is also launched, tho still empty.

May 27, 2023: new art layout... again. this page is giving me hell, i hate the way it looks constantly X( also new diary

May 25, 2023: about section got a sexy sexy facelift (will be adding more gradually)

May 23, 2023: new poems in the poetry page!

May 21, 2023: new art layout (again). i'm so indecisive and still not loving it, i'm still looking for a background lmao

May 17, 2023: new art layout! i will spice it up gradually

May 16, 2023: about me section is FINALLY up!!! it's a work in progress but pretty sexy so far. scroll down to see it >:3

May 15, 2023: new song of the week is up! i'm finally back from the longest travel vacation ever so i'll start working on the site again this week!!

April 25, 2023: shrine page has been created. there is only one shrine so far lol but it will get fuller.

April 24, 2023: first shrine is up, since i am yet to make the shrine homepage or the site map you'll have to find the super secret button to see it hehehehe

April 20, 2023: diary is updated w/ iframes! working on the layout to make it shinier.

April 18, 2023: fashion page is updated with a new layout! i will do some fine tuning on it gradually. alsoo diary entry today

April 17, 2023: new song of the week is up! Sorry for no updates, schoolwork has been a lot lately. Currently working on assets for the about page so that will be ready soon fingers crossed.

April 8, 2023: added the art gallery! it's format is a big WIP, i havent made up my mind about how i want it to look. to do: about page (STILL), but I have a plan(ish) for it now.

April 4, 2023: styled the diary and song of the week pages!!! to do: about me (still UGH), art gallery, and maybe i'll start thinking about shrines soon too. i also need to touch up the home page, i can't make up my mind about the background.

April 2, 2023: made a poetry page just for fun. to do: about me page and song of the week section :D

March 31, 2023: lost my mind last night and restyled the entire thing. this layout is pretty rad if I do say so myself, and I'm really getting the hang of html, I was able to solve all my coding problems on my own! now I need to work on buffing out my profile content and maybe actually include some info about me lmao.

March 30, 2023: guestbook is up! working on making it pretty but it exists now!!!.

March 29, 2023: diary is live! working on assets right now.

March 27, 2023: made an outline of my design plans and began styling! I plan on adding graffiti to the background that will be ever evolving, I'm so exited! No subpages yet but I have plans for my about page, blog, and some other fun stuff >:) I also added some random bullshit I found funny because it's my site and that's what it's for. I'm really hyped about my plans, this is all so fun!!

March 18, 2023: the site bis live! It's also ugly as hell, but we have to start somewhere, don't we? Current focuses are cleaning up CSS and actually deciding what kind of layout I'm going for here. Stay tuned for the rest of my Neocities journey ♡